WhatsApp is Now Ready to Roll Out Global Voice Note Player on Android

After testing the new voice note player on a previous beta version of the app,

After testing the new voice note player on a previous beta version of the app,

WhatsApp is enabling the global voice note player on Android.

WhatsApp is enabling the global voice note player on Android.

Two weeks ago, WhatsApp has started to roll out a new feature

Two weeks ago, WhatsApp has started to roll out a new feature

That let users have more control over voice notes: the ability

That let users have more control over voice notes: the ability

To play voice notes when switching to a different conversation.

To play voice notes when switching to a different conversation.

The feature was available to some beta testers after installing the WhatsApp beta for Android update.

The feature was available to some beta testers after installing the WhatsApp beta for Android update.

Note that the feature has been already released on WhatsApp for iOS in a previous update.

Note that the feature has been already released on WhatsApp for iOS in a previous update.