Fix ‘PS5 120Hz Not Working’ Problem


PS5 120Hz refers to the capability of the Sony PlayStation 5 (PS5) console to display content at a refresh rate of 120Hz. The refresh rate refers to the number of times per second that a display updates its image. Now plenty of PS5 users are experiencing “PS5 120Hz Not Working on Monitor” issue.

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Do you know that A higher refresh rate, such as 120Hz, can provide a smoother and more responsive gaming experience, especially for fast-paced games. So if 120hz not working on PS5, then this article could help you to get rid from this problem.

Fix 'PS5 120Hz Not Working' Problem

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Why is PS5 120Hz Not Working?

There could be several reasons why is the PS5 120Hz not working. Here are a few possible explanations.

  1. Your TV or Monitor May not Support 120Hz – To use the PS5 120Hz feature, you need a TV or monitor that supports it. Make sure to check your TV or monitor specifications to confirm that it can support 120Hz.
  2. HDMI Cable Limitations – To support 120Hz, you need an HDMI cable that supports HDMI 2.1 or higher. If you’re using an older HDMI cable, it may not be able to support the bandwidth required for 120Hz.
  3. Game Limitations – Not all games support 120Hz. Make sure to check the game’s specifications to confirm that it can support 120Hz.
  4. System Settings – You may need to adjust the PS5 system settings to enable the 120Hz feature. Go to the “Settings” menu, select “Screen and Video,” and then select “Video Output.” From there, you can adjust the video output settings to enable 120Hz.
  5. Firmware Updates – Make sure your PS5 system software is up to date. Sony periodically releases firmware updates that may include bug fixes or new features, including support for 120Hz.

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How to Fix “PS5 120Hz Not Working” Problem?

If you are experiencing issues with the PS5 120Hz Not Working, here are some possible ways to fix this PS5 120Hz Not Working problem.

1. Check TV or Monitor Compatibility

Make sure that your TV or monitor supports 120Hz. Check the user manual or the manufacturer’s website to confirm if it is compatible with 120Hz.

2. Check HDMI Cable Compatibility

Ensure that you’re using an HDMI cable that supports HDMI 2.1 or higher. If you’re using an older HDMI cable, it may not be able to support the bandwidth required for 120Hz.

3. Adjust System Settings

If still you’re experiencing PS5 120Hz Not Working issue, Go to the “Settings” menu on the PS5, select “Screen and Video,” and then select “Video Output.” From there, adjust the video output settings to enable 120Hz. Make sure that “Enable 120Hz Output” is turned on.

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4. Check Game Compatibility

Not all games support 120Hz. Check the game’s specifications to confirm that it can support 120Hz.

5. Update System Software

Make sure your PS5 system software is up to date. Check for any system software updates and install them if available.

6. Factory Reset

If none of the above steps work for PS5 120Hz Not Working issue, try a factory reset. This will erase all data and restore the PS5 to its original settings. You can perform a factory reset by going to the “Settings” menu, selecting “System,” and then selecting “Reset Options”.

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