Fix ‘Sorry, You Are Rate Limited Twitter’ Problem


Are You facing “Sorry, You Are Rate Limited” or “Rate Limit Exceeded” or “Something Went Wrong, Try Reloading.” error message on Twitter? Don’t worry! You’re not alone. The error message “Sorry, you are rate limited” means that you have exceeded the number of requests that Twitter allows you to make in a certain period of time.

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Twitter imposes these limits to prevent users from overloading its servers and to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to use the platform. If you exceed this limit, you will see the “Sorry, you are rate limited” message in Twitter.

Fix 'Sorry, You Are Rate Limited Twitter' Problem

So if You’re a victim of Sorry, You Are Rate Limited Twitter problem, then this article could help you to get rid from this Rate Limit Exceeded on Twitter problem.

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What Could be Reasons for Sorry, You Are Rate Limited Twitter Problem?

There are a few reasons why you might be getting the Sorry, You Are Rate Limited Error on Twitter. Some of the most common reasons include.

  1. Twitter Servers are Down – This is the most common reason for the error. When Twitter’s servers are down, no one can access the site or app. You can check if Twitter is down by visiting
  2. You’re Making Too Many Requests in a Short Period of Time – Twitter limits the number of requests that you can make to its API in a certain period of time. This is to prevent users from overloading Twitter’s servers and to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to use the platform. If you are making a lot of requests in a short period of time, you may be rate limited.
  3. You’re using a Bot or Other Automated Tool to Make Requests – Twitter also limits the number of requests that can be made by bots or other automated tools. This is to prevent bots from spamming Twitter and to ensure that human users have the primary experience on the platform. If you are using a bot or other automated tool to make requests to Twitter, you may be rate limited.
  4. You’re Trying to Spam or Abuse Twitter’s API – Twitter also limits the number of requests that can be made by users who are trying to spam or abuse Twitter’s API.If you are trying to spam or abuse Twitter’s API, you may be rate limited.
  5. You’re using a VPN or Proxy Server – Twitter may also rate limit users who are using a VPN or proxy server. This is because VPNs and proxy servers can be used to hide the user’s actual location, which can make it difficult for Twitter to track and enforce its rate limits.

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How to Fix “Sorry, You Are Rate Limited Twitter” Problem?

If you are experiencing issues with the Sorry, You Are Rate Limited Twitter, here are some possible ways to fix this Rate Limit Exceeded on Twitter problem.

1. Check Twitter Down Status

The first thing you should do is check if Twitter is down. You can do this by visiting a website like If Twitter is down, there’s nothing you can do to fix the problem except wait for Twitter to fix it.

2. Check Your Internet Connection

If Twitter is not down, the next thing you should check is your internet connection. Make sure that you are connected to the internet and that your internet speed is fast enough to load tweets. You can try restarting your router or modem to see if that fixes the problem.

3. Clear Your Twitter App’s Cache and Data

If still you’re experiencing Sorry, You Are Rate Limited error, clearing your Twitter app’s cache and data. This will reset the app to its default settings and may fix the problem. To clear the cache of Twitter App, Go to > Settings > Apps > Twitter > Clear Cache.

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4. Update Your Twitter App

If your internet connection is fine, the next thing you should do is update your Twitter app. Outdated apps can sometimes cause problems. You can check for updates in the app store or Google Play.

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5. Wait for the Rate Limit to Reset

If you have exceeded the rate limit, you will need to wait for it to reset before you can make more requests. The rate limit resets every 15 minutes, so you will need to wait at least that long before you can try again.

6. Restart Your Device

If you have tried all of the above and you are still getting the Sorry, You Are Rate Limited error, you can try restarting your device. This can sometimes fix temporary glitches.

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