Fix ‘Telegram Search Not Working’ Problem


Telegram search is a feature that allows users to search for specific messages, chats, groups, channels, files, and contacts within the Telegram app. This search feature is designed to help users quickly find anything within the the Telegram conversations and channels. But now plenty of users are facing “Telegram Search Not Working” issue.

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The Telegram search function is located at the top of the app interface and can be accessed by tapping on the magnifying glass icon. Users can enter keywords or phrases related to what they are looking for, and the search function will display a list of relevant results.

Fix 'Telegram Search Not Working' Problem

So if you’re facing issues such “Telegram channel search not working”, “Telegram search no results”, “Telegram global search not showing” etc. Then this article could help you to get rid from this Telegram Search Not Working issue.

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Why is Telegram Search Not Working?

There could be various reasons why is the Telegram Search Not Working. Here are some possible reasons.

  1. Network Connectivity – If your network connection is poor or unstable, it can cause issues with the search function in Telegram.
  2. Technical issues – The search function in Telegram may not work due to technical issues on the server-side. This can happen if the Telegram servers are down or experiencing high traffic.
  3. Outdated App Version – If you are using an outdated version of Telegram, the search function may not work as expected. Make sure you have the latest version of Telegram installed.
  4. Insufficient Storage Space – If your device has low storage space, it can cause issues with the Telegram app, including the search function.
  5. Disabled Search Feature – In some cases, the search function may not work because it has been disabled for a specific chat or channel. To check this, open the chat or channel and tap on the three dots in the top right corner. Select “Search” and make sure it is enabled.

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How to Fix “Telegram Search Not Working” Problem?

If you are having issues with the search function in Telegram app, there are several things you can try to fix the Telegram Search Not Working problem.

1. Check Your Internet Connection

If you are experiencing issues with the search, try checking your internet connection and make sure it is stable. If you are on a mobile device, try switching to a different network or connecting to Wi-Fi to see if that improves the search function.

2. Check Telegram Server Status

Sometimes, the search function may not work due to technical issues on the server-side. You can check the Telegram server status on the Telegram website or on social media to see if there are any known issues.

3. Clear Cache and Data

Clearing the cache and data of the Telegram app can help fix any issues with the app. To do this, go to your device’s settings, find the Telegram app, and select “Clear cache” and “Clear data”. After clearing the cache and data, try using the search function again to see if it has improved.

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4. Enable Search for the Chat

In Telegram, you can enable or disable search for individual chats. To check this, open the chat and tap on the three dots in the top right corner. Select “Search” and make sure that it is enabled. If it is disabled, enable it and try using the search function again.

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5. Restart the App

Sometimes, simply restarting the Telegram app can help resolve any issues. Close the app and open it again to see if the search function is working correctly.

6. Check Storage Space

Insufficient storage space can cause issues with the Telegram app, including the search function. Check your device’s storage space and free up some space if necessary.

7. Update the Telegram App

An outdated version of Telegram may cause issues with the search function. Make sure that you have the latest version of Telegram installed on your device. You can check for updates in the app store on your device.

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