Fix ‘YouTube Fast Forward Not Working’ Problem


YouTube app is a video streaming platform available on Smartphones, iPhones, Tablets, Smart TVs. YouTube fast forward is a feature that allows users to skip ahead in a video by a certain amount of time. Unfortunately, users are facing “YouTube Fast Forward Not Working” issue.

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Let me tell you that By default, YouTube fast forward skips ahead by 10 seconds, but this can be changed in the settings. Now frustrated YouTube users want to know Why can’t I fast forward on YouTube anymore?

Fix 'YouTube Fast Forward Not Working' Problem

So if you’re thinking YouTube Fast Forward Not Working for. Don’t worry! you’re not alone. This article could help you to get rid from this YouTube Fast Forward Not Working Problem.

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Why is YouTube Fast Forward Not Working?

There are a few reasons why is YouTube Fast Forward Not Working. Some of the most common reasons include.

  1. Internet Connection Problem – Fast forward requires a good internet connection. If your internet connection is slow, you may not be able to fast forward the video smoothly.
  2. You’re Using an Outdated Version of YouTube App – Make sure you have the latest version of the YouTube app installed on your device.
  3. The Video is Live – Live videos cannot be fast forwarded or rewinded. This is because live videos are constantly changing and updating. If you want to watch a live video from the beginning, you will need to wait until it is over and then watch the recording.
  4. The Video is DRM-Protected – Some videos on YouTube are protected by digital rights management (DRM). This means that you cannot fast forward or rewind the video.
  5. YouTube App Problem – If you have tried all of the above and you are still having problems with YouTube fast forward, there may be a problem with the YouTube app itself.

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How to Fix “YouTube Fast Forward Not Working” Problem?

If you are experiencing issues with the YouTube Fast Forward 10 Seconds Not Working issue, here are some possible ways to fix this YouTube Fast Forward Not Working problem.

1. Check your internet connection

Fast forward requires a good internet connection. If your internet connection is slow, you may not be able to fast forward the video smoothly. If your internet speed is slow, try connecting to a different network or wait until your internet connection improves.

2. Restart Your Device

This can often fix minor problems with the YouTube app. If you’re having problems with YouTube fast forward, restarting your device can sometimes fix the problem. To restart your device, hold down the power button until you see the Restart option. Tap on the Restart button to the restart your device.

3. Clear the Cache and Data for the YouTube App

If still you’re experiencing YouTube Fast Forward Not Working issue, Sometimes clearing cache & data of YouTube App can fix the YouTube Fast Forwarding Problem. To clear the cache of YouTube App, Go to > Settings > Apps > YouTube > Clear Cache.

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4. Make Sure the Video is not Live or Age-Restricted

Live videos and age-restricted videos cannot be fast forwarded or rewinded. If you are trying to fast forward a live video or an age-restricted video, you will not be able to do so.

5. Check for Updates

Make sure you have the latest version of the YouTube app installed on your device. You can check for updates by going to the App Store or Google Play Store and searching for “YouTube”. YouTube is constantly updating its app with new features and bug fixes.

6. Try Using a Different Device

If you are having problems with YouTube fast forward on one device, try using a different device to see if the problem persists. If the problem persists on a different device, it is likely a problem with your YouTube account or your internet connection.

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7. Contact YouTube Support

If you have tried all of the above and you are still having YouTube Fast Forward Not Working problem, you can contact YouTube support for help. They may be able to help you troubleshoot the problem and find a solution.

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